WarpUp (10/72)

Date:04 Apr 00 at 23:28:29
Subject:Re: PPC Crashes when Multitasking

Salut Roj

On 31-mars-00, you wrote:

> Here's what I'm gathering so far:
> Heat
> ----
> Anders Jacobsen
> Samppa R�nk�
> Bugs in software
> ---
> Anders Jacobsen
> Blair Wickstrand
> Insufficient Power Supply
> ---
> Anders Jacobsen
> Joseph Fenton

> This certainly isn't to mock anyone except the Academy of Fine Arts. No,
> that's not Microsoft.
> It's just to help sort out the diverging opinions posted. Thanks to
> everyone for all the tips and suggestions!

My suggestion was just because I've very recently discover this pb. But BTW
I had also another possible explication (yes, one more) and in fact i'm
really wondering if this could cause pbs in the future: The Stack! Yes, it
is now well known that all the Warp-os (and some Power-up) software seems
to need a really huge stack (500000 on most case). So what happen if you
launch 2 or more of those "stack-hungry" apps? Do you have to define a
500000 stack for each PPC apps running on your system, or do they share a
unique stack, and so have we to increase that stack a bit more?
I think this question not only concern ROJ's problem.


*ANTEK* (UIN: 65705526)